Packaging: New and Plastic Free!

30 Jul,2019

[lead]We’re loving that big retailers and brands are working on relieving their impact on plastic usage[/lead]

Last month, you may have seen our blog on Waitrose’s latest aim to reduce the use of plastic packaging. We were so excited about their plastic-free trial, that we’ve looked into other brands that are going plastic-free. Here are a few of our personal favourites!


The plastic ‘six-pack rings’ found around beverage cans seem to be a feature of many images that display the detrimental effects of excessive plastic usage. They particularly come under fire not just because they take thousands of years to break down, but because of the harmful effect, they have on aquatic animals as our plastic waste makes its way the ocean. To battle this pressing issue, Corona Austrailia has cleverly adapted existing packaging to make the plastic six-pack ring holder obsolete. Customers can now select how many cans they would like to purchase and take them to the checkout by screwing them together and towering them top to bottom. This is is a big innovation and could pave the way for plastic-free methods of packaging around the world.

corona screw plastic free


There have been many concerned consumers who have pointed out some of the unnecessary packaging on products that simply does not provide any additional benefits to its containment. Additionally, many examples of this unnecessary plastic packaging falls under ‘single-use’, meaning it can only be used once until it has to be thrown away. Solero has taken this, and its effects on the environment, into account and have brought out new Ice-lollies whose packaging does not contain plastic wrap. The box in which the lollies will be sold is made out of a polyethene coated cardboard, which will keep the ice-creams from leaking out the box, as well as intact and ready to eat.

solero plastic free


After some already not-so-successful attempts to reduce their plastic usage, Iceland have seemed to hit the nail on the head with their latest innovations. Shops over the country are currently running a trial where many of their products such as fresh fruit and veg, as well as some of their frozen products, are eradicating plastic out of their makeup. As well as this, campaign group A Plastic Planet has introduced a new logo which can found on many products that are proud to be ‘Plastic Free’. Co-founder of this group stated; “Our trust mark cuts through the confusion of symbols and labels and tells you just one thing – this packaging is plastic-free and therefore guilt-free,’. This special little logo can be seen brandished on a range of products, found in stores such as Iceland, aiming to give conscious shoppers peace of mind.

banana plastic free plastic planet


Nestlé has recently made the news for revolutionising not only their Swiss packaging but what it means for snack packaging across the world. Their latest snack bar, ‘Yes!’ has been introduced, packed ‘in paper, using a high-speed, flow-wrap technology’. This will be the first brand in the world to use this technology, and its water-based coating is said to provide all the same benefits of plastic, but unlike plastic, it is highly recyclable. This could set the bar for the future of packaging, replacing the high demand for plastic which is clogging up our environment.

yes snack bar feed plastic free