Distribution & Availability

Promotion Compliance

Data led Calls

NPD Launch and Range Reset

Product Recall

Retail Audit and Store Audit

Our Brand Champions are within 10 miles of
97% of stores
in the UK, ready to support with
365-day promotion for your brand.

Shelf-space. Positioning. Visibility. Product selection. A lot of thought and expertise goes into maximising your sales. We get it. And whether its POS installation, check and fix, auditing or range changes, we combine big brains with big data to make sure the right improvements happen.

01 blue line

1,000,000+ interventions each year

02 blue line

3,500+ data-led calls per week

03 blue line

3 billion data units at our fingertips

UK map - tactical solutions are within 10 miles of 97% of stores

Distribution and Availability 

Our field sales solutions are designed to give UK businesses the upper hand. We’ve helped a variety of clients with their picking and packing needs, providing a super-accurate service – with 99.8% picking accuracy, to be exact – to assist with vital product handling and processing. No matter how big or small the job is, our contract packing field team can be tailored to fit your output and input. We are proud of the reputation we have built with both top-name brands and those a little less known. With us, our clients benefit from a real partnership and are safe in the knowledge that we have the skills and dedication to get the job done well, delivering thousands of units week in, week out. 

Your products are important to you. That’s why we treat every item with the care and attention it deserves, adding creative flair and expertise across our services – including gift set creation, product relabelling, security tagging, and wrapping. Our eye for detail makes sure that even fiddly jobs – like fault corrections – are meticulously handled, with cohesive real-time reporting keeping you in the loop whenever and wherever you need it. 

With a 24-hour turnaround operating across over 180,000 square feet of warehouse space, the team at Tactical Solutions provide an all-encompassing service that annually sees 45 million items smoothly delivered to shelves across the country. We work with big numbers and even bigger output, but still treat every assignment like we’re an extension of your own brand – at all points offering care and consideration you can depend on from our experts. With us, you get a true partnership. That’s what good relationships are all about!

Our bright thinking follows your products from the packaging stage all the way to the shelf and its final, crucial sale. We’re a leading field marketing company for a reason, you know. At Tactical Solutions, we use effective technology to help our clients’ key products stand out in an ultra-competitive retail crowd. At every stage, our experienced team will adhere to and improve store compliance, streamlining POS and FDSU to boost sales. Our displays tap into what customers are looking for, elevating and innovating brand awareness all while being eco-friendly. After all, it makes sense that our friendly team of field marketers and data scientists would extend that kindness to the planet?

With 24/7 design and print services paired with merchandising and replenishment expertise, our field sales solutions go above and beyond to help key clients reach staggering sales success.  

Data led calls

Data-Led Calls 

Ding dong, Tactical Solutions calling. When your brand needs boots on the ground, our Brand Champions are within 10 miles of a whopping 97% of stores in the UK – armed with a wealth of industry knowledge and innovative technology to help you optimise your in-store compliance.

We understand that not everyone gets data on the level we do – it wouldn’t do for us all to be the same – but we do want to share our juiciest, most insightful results in reports that anyone on your branding team can easily understand. At Tactical Solutions, we translate over 3,500 data-led calls and SKU-level interventions per week into game-changing reports that not only reveal where things might be going wrong but also give our clients the opportunity to strategise and grow. 

Our status in field marketing has come from years of working side by side with the brands we support. That’s why we are passionate about getting things right – using a tried-and-tested formula that marries cutting-edge technology with people who can facilitate effective interventions. Our flexible teams can be tailored to suit your brand’s needs directly, creating an analytical supergroup that will provide hands-on support and make real and dynamic improvements to sales output.

Truthfully, we love any chance to get a little geeky. With our data-led calls, we start by utilising the freshest T5 EPOS analytics through Reapp, which monitors product performance across a number of distribution and metadata sources. We don’t deal with stale numbers, which is why these vital insights are updated daily to give your team the latest results. These instant analytics are one of the most accurate ways to understand why stores are not meeting expectations, allowing us to quickly react and plan where we can intervene with a call. 

We know that time is precious, which is why our team works on behalf of all of our clients when we make identified interventions. Not a single call is wasted, helping you make efficient changes to strategy and delivery where needed while ensuring that compliance is being maintained at all times. Your goals are always in mind, helping us shape how we collect and tailor your reports as we work together to get truly transformative results.

At Tactical Solutions, we get you actionable insights that make amazing things happen, both online and in-store.

Retail Audit and Store Audits

Retail Audit and Store Audits 

We’re passionate about brands – it’s kind of our thing. Here at Tactical Solutions, we love nothing more than getting our teeth into everything that makes your store offering tick, from product placement, POS compliance, competitive insights and store standards. So, when it comes to your retail audit, investing in a field sales solution that can be applied across multiple locations and help your entire team understand what is happening on each shop floor is key. 

We give you insights that look inwards and outwards. Audit analytics can help you ensure that your products are being held to the high standards you’ve set and deserve across multiple stores, while checking that pricing and promotions are consistent. When customer engagement is the game, we can help you get the full scope as to what is needed from your stockists. Whether that’s through optimising shelf space, ensuring that store compliance is being stuck to, or trying to pinpoint where vital sales might be dropping off, we have the team that can do it all. 

Our bespoke and flexible methods, when combined with our outstanding technological capabilities, mean that we can tackle a wide range of issues. For the brands that work with us, we combine relentless innovation with a passion for success – a combination that has helped clients create winning strategies that just keep going. If our award-winning solutions are the fuel, then we’ve got the stuff that can make your products really fly.  

Data solutions

Promotion Compliance 

There’s nothing like seeing an initial seed of an idea through to full bloom. After years in the business, we know that brand promotion is a key investment tied to overall business success. Not a simple tick-box solution though, it takes multiple hands to take that concept from head office to a fully-fledged display on the shop floor. Maintaining a stream of fresh and vibrant promotions is one of the most effective ways to get customers to put your products in their baskets, but ensuring that these promotions are properly constructed and deployed can feel like an uphill struggle. 

Our field sales team is the ultimate solution to giving your brand the promotional compliance it deserves, making sure that you and your promotional concept work to its fullest potential. Our team works quickly and effectively to ensure any problems are smoothed over in-store, with a bespoke service that not only targets issues within the product journey but actively streamlines it, helping you avoid costly repercussions.

When it comes to getting the most out of supermarket promotional compliance, we know that it can be a lengthy process. That’s why our field marketers are here to help save you time – and money – with a winning combination of industry knowledge and priceless interpersonal skills that have allowed us to build key relationships in stores nationwide. In fact, we’re proud to be a team of ‘all-rounders’, bringing you technology that gets vital insights from a variety of data sources. We pair this with our wealth of experience in product promotion, strategising the best promotional positioning to get your brand outstanding results. 

A sense of partnership can go a long way, which is why we are data led and people powered. As well as being a crack team of number crunchers and successful field marketers, we’re also friendly people – if we don’t say so ourselves! This goes a long way when it comes to bridging gaps between our clients’ brands and the supermarkets that house them, proving that nice doesn’t always finish last. In fact, we’ve achieved measurable success for major clients by not only improving but maintaining opportunities for promotional compliance, while attracting customers and getting those all-important sales. 

Whether you use our promotional compliance service as a standalone service or as part of a tailored, multi-armed approach, with Tactical Solutions you are getting powerful data insights, all handled with that crucial human touch.

It’s not enough to know numbers, you’ve got to understand people too. That’s our winning formula.

NPD Launch and Range Reset

NPD Launch and Range Reset 

It all comes down to this. After months of workshops, some serious research, a few rounds of eye-catching design for good measure, and plenty of umming and ahing, your new product development (NPD) launch is ready to hit the shelves! At Tactical Solutions, we know that this is one of the most exciting – and nerve-wracking – times for brands, meaning that every part of the launch process has to go smoothly. We know there are plenty of factors that can impact a launch beyond the initial buzz, including issues with availability and nailing the perfect timing, as well as ensuring that your brand-new product has pride of place on the shelf.

Whether you are looking to transform a pre-existing range of products as part of a planned reset or launch a new product range entirely, we have 3 billion data units available at our fingertips to optimise every step. Our brand experts are able to work with you from day one to create a real-time analysis of your new line’s performance, ensuring that your product is seen by – and, most importantly, is available to – the customers being targeted. With fresh data from a host of varied and valuable sources, including placement, we can provide vital insights into what your target audience really wants, helping you to navigate the consumer headspace quickly and efficiently – without months of costly research. 

At Tactical Solutions, we don’t just crunch numbers – we like to see what’s going on in those little grey cells, too. That’s why our Brand Champions will take the time to educate the stores set to stock your latest line on those all-important USPs, forging partnerships that continue to work with your brand’s strategy from launch all the way to your products becoming a consumer favourite. We also ensure that your chosen stores not only have the relevant branding knowledge but also every tool needed to set up promotional materials correctly and work with your products. 

For staggering sales success, we pull together industry-leading data with the technology that fuels it – all driven by a team of experts that know how to get results. 

Product Recall 

Some things simply don’t work out – and that’s OK. When it doesn’t, you need a reliable team who can facilitate a product recall quickly and effectively. At Tactical Solutions, our team of field marketers have combined experience that goes back years, helping brands maintain their priceless reputations. We are quick to respond to a recall and even quicker on the ground, working with a range of tailored solutions and situations that ensure that you are kept in the loop with what’s happening in your stores. 

Through our product retail services, we know how to manage multiple outcomes while submitting live updates of the withdrawal in real time. When time is of the essence, our team also uses a stock of industry-leading technology to supply your brand with auditable evidence as we carry out an effective recall. We know exactly who to speak to in order to smooth out a situation quickly, using our knowledge to open dialogue with the correct people and get to the heart of the issue as soon as possible. 

Every product recall incident is individual – much like the brands we work on behalf of. That’s why we are able to tailor our output to make sure that all products are recalled from every point of the sale journey, from distribution warehouses to wholesale holding and the shelves where they are stocked. We operate with a cohesive approach to recalling goods and returning them to test centres, where you can examine what may have gone wrong.

But that’s not enough. We know that during this time your brand needs complete support, which is why we go the extra mile in getting your chosen products back onto shelves and into the retail sphere, so you can continue to meet your targets while considering your next steps. 

Our technology offering means that your situation is managed end to end, tying together big brains and bigger analytical solutions to create a positive resolution. And who doesn’t love a happy ending?

Customer Stories

Supporting Unilever in Co-op

Supporting Unilever in Co-op

Supporting Unilever's compliance in Co-op Test and learn: Unilever Compliance Brief Unilever wanted to understand how to increase promotion and range compliance in Co-op stores. Response Our in-house Business Insight team, selected 100 Co-op stores and a further 20...

Online actionable insight

Online actionable insight

Online actionable insight Continuous Improvement Projects in Confectionary Brief BrandNudge is an on-line analytics platform, created in partnership to provide actionable insights for brands to grow market share in digital channels. Data from BrandNudge is stored in...

Maximising ROI for GU Puds

Maximising ROI for GU Puds

Maximising ROI for GU Puds Maximising ROI through LSV Scorecards Brief GU Puds commissioned us to check distribution & availability of their core range across the Tesco estate, but only where LSV was identified. Response Data is at the heart of everything we do,...

Get In Touch

Whether you’re an existing customer, or a potential one, if you’d like to learn more about our retail tech, and about how we can help, please drop us a line.